Board of Supervisors Meeting - May 6, 2020
UPDATED: 4/28/2020 for easier meeting access.
Due to the risks in regards to the COVID-19 virus and out of sense of upmost caution, the Board of Supervisors will be holding the Wednesday, May 6, 2020 meeting virtually.
The general public is welcome to join the meeting via computer, laptop, tablet, cell phone or land line. You can also email any comments that you might have prior to the meeting to by 2:00 pm on Wednesday, May 6, 2020.
Options for Meeting:
Start by clicking on the following link: OAKLAND TWP MAY 6 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING
To join the meeting by phone:
Use the call-in information listed at the link above.
To join by computer:
Click "Join Online Meeting" Note: You will need to enter your name and email.
Depending on your device, you may also need to download an app.
For your reference: May 6, Board of Supervisors Meeting Agenda
While it is certainly our preference to meet in person, the concerns for the health and welfare of the Board, the Township staff and you, our residents, must be our first priority. We apologize in advance for any 'blips' we may encounter while having our first ever virtual meeting.
If you need further assistance in participating in the meeting, please don't hesitate to call the office during normal business hours and we will be happy to walk you through the steps.